Holy in the Daily

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Pray For Your Kids. Really.

You should pray for your kids. Really. Especially if you know Jesus. My mother’s prayers and my Aunt Mary Jane’s prayers paved the way for me to know God. I know this because they told me so. Those prayers brought me into assurance of God’s will and grew me up spiritually (see Colossians 4:12).

That kind of prayer doesn’t die when the praying mom dies. It simmers as incense before God’s throne throughout the life of the child (see Revelation 5:8).

I miss my mom. She was cool. She prayed, and she made great carrot cake. Mom has taken up residence in Heaven, so I’ll have to wait to give her my hug for Mother’s Day. Not everyone gets mushy on Mother’s Day, but I do. Just being a mom brings me closer to my mom.

You know what I mean. I now understand how Mom perfected “the look” that cut me down to size, and why she’d get mad if I didn’t call home when I was out later than expected. I never really understood my mom until I became a mom. Now the grandmother thing is taking over, and I get it. I really get it.

So grab the kleenex, sit back, and enjoy this Mother’s Day clip from the Skit Guys. You deserve it.

(If you received this post via RSS or email and cannot view the clip, just hop on over to my blog for your mushy moment of the week.)

I can’t hug my mom, but I intend to get some hugs from my kids and grandkids. It’s my turn. I pray for them just as my mom and aunt once prayed for me.

(For examples of how I pray for my kids, see some of the related posts listed at the end of this post. Also, Intercessors, God’s End-time Vanguard: How to Pray Effectively for the Things That Matter Most is a book I wrote while raising my six kids. You’ll find it helpful in praying for your family and friends.)

How has prayer shaped you? If you have kids, how do you pray for them? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Have a great Mother’s Day, and don’t forget to call your mom!


“Jesus likes it when we share.” -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody’s brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice. (Just click-click a Be Sociable, Share button below.)

Related posts:

Praying Your Child Through a Difficult Time

Do You Worry About Your Kids? Grab Onto This Tip.

How to Pray Your Child HOME

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lilly

    Mothering is a joy and a pain and a forever task and blessing.

  2. Lilly

    Wow, great video!

    1. Susan Gaddis

      I know, Lilly, like really great. Ya better have a box of tissue handy when you watch it.

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