God's Voice in the Ordinary

God's voice in the ear of my mind sounds so ordinary as I sit with eyes engaging the monitor and fingers clicking the keyboard. At 5 o'clock in the morning my life doesn't feel holy. It feels like I need a cup of coffee.

Most disciplines hold little of the sacred moments that speak to me of holy. Yet, it is my disciplines that make space in my day to notice His voice behind me speaking, "This is the way. Walk in it."

I hear that voice when I write. "Back up. Rewrite that paragraph. You're straying off topic. That sounds better. Hit spell check." Funny how the Holy Spirit can sound so ordinary.

Maybe it is the dark fog outside my study window at pre-dawn that reminds me of His quiet presence. Or perhaps it is in the stillness of the house before the rest of the family wakes that I sense His nudge towards the coffee pot. I know this: God likes coffee and He often sneaks up behind me in the disciplines of my day.

What does the Spirit say to you as you go about the routine disciplines that make up your daily life?



Fixed-hour Prayer