Are You Fluffy or Fat?--How To Be Fit For Life

workbook for Fit for Life at Holy in the Daily

Do you call yourself "fluffy," but secretly know you carry far too many fat cells around in places you wish weren't so obvious? Do you struggle with feelings of losing the battle for healthy living as you sneak a bowl of ice cream during reruns of NCIS?Recently during a fast, I read Fit For Life—It’s Never Too Late To Be Healthy by Wyndy Buckner. This e-book helped motivate me concerning the care of my body through the study of various Scriptures. Wyndy firmly believes that the decisions we make about what we eat and how we exercise should be based on our relationship with the Spirit Holy. We live in bondage when our choices are influenced by the enemy of our souls and bodies.Wyndy tells her story at the very beginning of the e-book and lets the reader know that she understands the problems of being overweight and feeling trapped without a road map to healthy living. Throughout the Bible study that follows, Wyndy continues to use personal examples from her own life to illustrate the Scriptures.This 106 page, beautifully presented e-book contains 16 lessons covering four sections:

Section 1—The Trap
Section 2—The Plague
Section 3—The Dwelling
Section 4—Freedom From Sin’s Grasp 

Within these lessons, Wyndy seeks to convey the following objectives: (1) to demonstrate the trap of an unhealthy lifestyle, (2) to reveal Satan’s desire and plans to steal our physical health, and (3) to offer scriptural understanding for making wise choices in healthy living. She does a great job of meeting these objectives.Wyndy not only explores the Scriptures she presents, but includes research on the food industry and our body chemistry. Journal pages add a personal touch to the book. The Fit For Life PDF e-book costs $9.00 and can be downloaded right onto your computer without special software. This book works well for personal study, but those in a group Bible study would also benefit from the contribution of other's insights as they work their way through the book together.The only drawback of this e-book is the additional expense of printing it out as the beautiful colored pages can use up a lot of ink. I chose not to make a printed copy, but to write out my answers to the study questions in a separate notebook.The Fit For Life website offers personal coaching, exercise plans and tips, cooking tips and recipes, and a support system with goal setting---all based on a biblical foundation. I hope you'll stop by and visit.Share with us one practice that you have found to be a healthy life style choice in the comment section below. How has your choice contributed to finding the Holy in your daily?

In Him together, Susan Gaddis


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