Praying Through Cancer

woman praying on a post at Holy in the Daily blog

It was almost five years ago that I found out I had colon cancer—one of the deadliest cancers out there, but also one of the most curable if caught in time. Thankfully, I had many people praying for me and supporting me. During the most difficult part of my hospital stay and waiting for the surgery results, I found that praying the Scriptures brought peace and hope.My little book of wired index cards grew as I added new Scriptures to pray every day. On one side of a flip card I wrote out the Scripture, and on the other side I wrote out my prayer, changing the Scripture only slightly—such as adding my name where appropriate. I still use these cards when praying for others needing a healing touch. Perhaps you'll find hope in the following two prayers. Replace my name with your own name or the name of someone for whom you are praying.Susan, though you search for your enemies of cancer cells, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you” (based on Isaiah 41:12, 13 NIV). Thank you Lord, for holding my hand through this awful experience and helping me in ways I cannot see. You are behind the scenes helping the doctors, guiding the surgeon’s hand, and healing my body. Though doctors search for cancer cells, they will not find them—cancer’s war with me will be over.Lord, you have promised me that one of the signs that will follow those who believe will be that they will lay hands on the sick, and the sick will recover (Mark 16:17,18). You know that many people have laid hands on me and prayed for my recovery. Now I ask that you keep your promise and heal me. Thank you for being my Promise Keeper.No cancer cells were found when they removed part of my colon and I have remained cancer free ever since. Some of my friends have very different cancer stories, but all of us have found prayer to be the path to peace in the midst of the storm.I hope you find these prayers helpful when asked to pray for a cancer patient---and please pass on this post to those you know who are struggling with cancer by clicking on one of the icons below.

In Him together, Susan Gaddis


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