Not Your King Arthur Kind of Celts

fiddler on a post from Holy in the Daily

Contrary to popular American thought, the Celts were not barbarians who fought the Romans alongside King Arthur. Celtic culture was far richer than a King Arthur Hollywood movie. Tonight we're hosting a party at Father's House where Liz Babbs will be weaving the story of Celtic Christianity into a Ceilidh.In her book, Celtic Treasure, Liz Babbs explains: "A ceilidh is a traditional Gaelic social dance originating in Ireland and Scotland, but which is now popular throughout the world. Originally, a ceilidh was a social gathering that could include stories, songs, poems, proverbs, ballads, and need not necessarily feature dance." Later dance became a natural part of a ceilidh as the whole of life was celebrated.Creativity and community go hand in hand in Celtic Christianity. Before TV and the Internet, there was storytelling by the fireplace, singing and dancing when folks gathered for community meals, and the reading of poetry or the sharing of arts and crafts. People had time for each other--for listening, laughing, eating, and living life in celebration of the God who creates and enlivens ordinary people like you and me. This is what community is all about--sharing together our expressions of God.

Sacred Tapestry

Each persona precious threadopen ended withcreative possiblityand when linked to othersweaves a communityof beauty --a sacred tapestrymirroring heaven.

Liz  Babbs in Celtic Treasure

I hope you get to party in celebration of God this weekend. Our ceilidh includes Celtic music and not-so-Celtic raps, dancing, poetry, storytelling--all served up with large plates of food and laughter. Works of various artists will be on display--yarn creations and woodworking are just a few. And, of course, there will be the story of the Celts weaved throughout the evening.All ages are invited--just bring a plate of finger-food and a smile. It's time to put on your dancing shoes! (For location, time, and other details, please visit our Celtic California website.)What creative gift has God given you and how do you celebrate that gift with others?

In Him together, Susan Gaddis


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