Five Ways to Make a Difference With Your Life This Summer

Here are five ways to make a difference with your life this summer. First of all, summer is the perfect time to enjoy the blush of a couple surprised by an instant date in Central Park, complete with a fancy dinner and a concert with Carnegie Hall musicians.(If you received this post via RSS or email and cannot view the Improv Everywhere clip, please visit my Holy in the Daily blog to receive your smile for the day.)OK, so you may not have a fancy dinner or musicians from Carnegie Hall to surprise two strangers with, but what can you do to make a difference in someone's life?Live your life on purpose! Use your imagination. Gather some friends together. Plan a mini event that will minister validation and joy to someone.

Here are four more ideas to make a difference with your life

1. Visit a senior care facility and play cards with some of the residents.2. Buy a simple lunch at a local deli and take a co-worker on a picnic during your lunch hour.3. Gather some musician friends together and go play some music for a neighbor that needs to know somebody cares.4. Invite some neighborhood kids to Vacation Bible School at your church.Whatever you do, make it fun and a surprise for the recipient. You'll be smiling the whole rest of the week.What simple idea have you done to make a difference in someone's life? Please share it in the comment section below."Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.


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