Celtic Christianity and The Three That Seek My Heart

Celtic Christianity prayer

Celtic Christianity prayers remind my mind and heart that I'm loved. Lavishly loved. Beyond my ability to really, really grasp It kind of love. A Celtic prayer uses the simple things of life to hold me in that love.Like this prayer from the Carmina Gadelica—just the title, The Three That Seek My Heart, grabs your soul and holds you tight. Then the five senses swirl and your choices are cushioned in the wild love of God. It's like a dance to start your day. A dance with the Trinity.

The Three That Seek My Heart

Bless to me, O God,

Each thing mine eye sees;

Bless to me, O God,

Each sound mine ear hears;

Bless to me, O God,

Each odor that goes to my nostrils;

Bless to me, O God,

Each taste that goes to my lips;

Each note that goes to my song,

Each ray that guides my way,

Each thing I pursue,

Each lure that tempts my will,

The zeal that seeks my living soul,

The Three that seek my heart,

The zeal that seeks my living soul,

The Three that seek my heart.

From the Carmina Gadelica

How do you dance with the Trinity?Susan"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.Related posts:Celtic Christianity and Secret PrayerCeltic Prayer of SafetyMorning Work PrayerSponsor:


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