Be Thou My Vision ... Really?

What does it mean to practice the presence of God throughout your day? I've found that most people find it difficult to do. Yet the ancient Celtic Christians seemed to have no problem practicing His presence amidst the daily duties of their lives.There's an old Irish Celtic poem from around the 6th or 8th century that was transformed into a hymn in 1919. I think it captures the heart of what practicing the presence of Jesus is all about. The key seems to be in keeping your thoughts, words, and emotions focused on Jesus ... letting Him be your mental musings and constant companion ... knowing He is your sword and battle-shield instead of your words or attitudes taking up arms to fight all the personal injustices done to you ... and so on.Here's the first part of that original poem:

Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heartNone other is aught but the King of the seven heavens.Be thou my meditation by day and night.May it be thou that I behold even in my sleep.Be thou my speech, be thou my understanding.Be thou with me, be I with thee.Be thou my father, be I thy son.Mayst thou be mine, may I be thine.Be thou my battle-shield, be thou my sword.Be thou my dignity, be thou my delight.

And here is the hymn version of the ancient prayer ...(If you received this post via email and cannot view the clip, please click HERE to enjoy a few minutes of this lovely Celtic hymn.)Here's a few more posts to draw you into the Lord's presence ...Is Your Home a Thin Place?Morning Work PrayerMay His presence enfold you through all the interruptions, frustrations, joys, and dailiness of your life.Susan"Jesus likes it when we share." - Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but all of your friends would be nice.Save


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