Why a Home is Where Your Story Begins

Our youngest son graduates from college on Sunday.Quite a mile stone for him, and for us.The empty nest just became official.He's on his own now... along with his five older siblings.*sigh*I woke up thinking about home. About Acts 17:26-27:

He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any of us (NIV).

Home is where you start from ...

Yet each place you eventually live is known and fashioned by God specifically for you—for a set time in your life. So that you'll reach out for Him and find Him.You know that's true.Look back at all the places you've called Home. Wasn't there a season of joy or stress where you reached out to Jesus and found Him in the midst of it all? Maybe you came to know Him for the very first time in that home or went deeper into your relationship with Him there.Maybe a home holds ugly memories for you. Even then, you know He was there. Catching you in His arms or waiting for you to notice His presence.This time and this place... it wasn't an accident that I was born in Arroyo Grande, raised my kids in Atascadero, and basically lived my life in this small county on the Central Coast of California.This home has held lots of joy and many stressful days, but each has drawn me closer to the One who is building my real home—the eternal one.God had assignments for me here. One of those was James, our youngest.

Is it over?

Of course not!Each of the kids have come back home for a time after they left the first time. James may show up here for a few months here and there until he establishes himself in a career and family.But he'll stay in the guest room as we've turned his old bedroom into Tom's study. *snarky grin*And the mothering I once did won't fly. Not for him, and not for me.He'll make a home for himself somewhere.A home where his kids will start from.And where he'll have stress and joy and reach out to Jesus in ways he hasn't before.[bctt tweet="Because a home is where your story begins... is lived... and ends."]

Other thoughts about home and life:

Pray This List of God's Promises for Your HomeDecorate Your Home With a Godly HeritageWould Saint Patrick Feel at Home at Your House?Have a great weekend. Me? I'm off to a college graduation!Susan


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