Jesus is real? Comment by G.K. Chesterton ... priceless!

You probably have friends who look forward to Easter because of the extra long weekend full of bar-b-ques, egg hunts, and hanging out with friends.Hey, you enjoy those things too. So do I.But for us who follow Jesus, Resurrection Sunday is something more.We celebrate the fact that Jesus is real...whether seen or unseen.In his book, Abba’s Child, Brennan Manning tells the story of a newspaper reporter approaching G.K. Chesterton with a question about the reality of Jesus. Chesterton's answer is priceless.

“Sir, I understand that you recently became a Christian. May I ask you one question?”“Certainly,” replied Chesterton.“If the risen Christ suddenly appeared at this very moment and stood behind you, what would you do?”Chesterton looked the reporter squarely in the eye and said, “He is.”

Chesterton believed that Jesus is real to such a degree that Chesterton would not have changed his stride if Jesus suddenly materialized.

Jesus is real...

...whether seen or unseen.What is your reality this Easter week?Have an amazing Resurrection Sunday with Jesus!Susan


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