Sometimes nobody knows you but Jesus

You've gotten up at five in the morning most of your life to work at a less than perfect job. Because it helped pay for the cost of little league, piano lessons, and college tuition for your kids.You've handled rejection, loss, health issues, loneliness, disappointment, and you've survived. Because, through it all, you knew Jesus was right beside you on the journey.You've washed a mountain range of dirty dishes, mopped the equivalent of 900 football stadiums, AND cooked enough food to feed Napoleon's army. Because somebody had to.You're a prayer warrior, crying secret tears and praying prayers only God has heard. Because no one loves your family like you do.You've made mistakes. Sin hasn't been a stranger, but you've refused to let these things define you. Because you know the power of the blood of Jesus.

You've been there. For all of it.

And you're not about to quit now. No matter what is standing in the headlights ahead.Because you're determined to finish your race well.And no fireball from hell will stop you.Because the One who runs with you will also carry you when your limbs no longer have strength, your mind begins to wander, and your heart grows weary.I see you. You're my hero.Thank you for the honor of also having you as my friend.xoxoSusan


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