Are you ready for a new soul adventure?

I am further away from my date of birth than I am from my home going. The world I knew growing up and raising a family was very different from the world I'm living in now or will be tomorrow.

Yet, it is this pandemic laced, politically messy, violent, and morally upside-down reality that I am living out my end of days.

And I think I have enough days left to go on another adventure.

When Tom and I retired, I told the Lord that whatever was ahead, I wanted those days to count—to mean something to Him and to me.

I wanted to know His love so profoundly that faith would be my natural garment—moving mountains within my soul and in my relationships.

So in retirement, the mundane met the unexpected, and God showed up for a new soul adventure.

I made a decision that no matter what was ahead, however scary or frustrating the reality, I would step into every challenge determined to learn from it. I'd reflect Jesus through it and use it as an opportunity to wrap myself in a new aspect of God's love for me.

I'm a woman who is going use her days to learn from Jesus how to better govern her soul and impact those she lives among.

Like any good adventure

...the path continues to be one of discovery scattered with boulders, switchbacks, and majestic vistas splashed with wildflowers (and some poison oak).

The work of the soul is never easy. Yet, I've found my Bridegroom walking with me through every twist and turn, calling me to rest with Him in every boulder's shade.

Now I'm ready for more company—traveling companions who dare to go where they've never gone before.

I'm hoping you'll be one of them.

You'll find that although soul work is ongoing, God's love feels secure, and faith adorns you better than you'd ever imagined.

Since the core of this soul adventure is within, I've designed a spiritual spa experience to go with our individual, yet entwined journeys.

There will be a Soul Care Spa appointment waiting for you at every rest stop...

Because at our age, we need it

Intended to help you be fully present to what's important to you and to God, your spa sessions provide a place to rest, heal, learn, grow and process your life through a deepening experience with Jesus.

Because Jesus is what the journey is all about. Your life makes no sense unless it is lived within the context of Him.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can grab the details HERE.

I hope you'll join me,



Become an armchair traveler for a quick mental vacation


Does your daily experience seem stuck on repeat?