Fresh Ideas for a Camp Grandma or Cousins Camp

I'm always looking for fresh ideas for our yearly Camp Grandma. Here are some I came up with for our Camp Grandma weekend 2015. You can also use these ideas for a Cousins Camp.

Six grandchildren were able to come this year, with one younger grandson joining us for an afternoon and another grandson checking in from Finland via Facetime. (He isn't quite 3 years old yet. I think he was a little overwhelmed by all the cousins talking to him at once during his Facetime visit.)

Camp Grandma snacks

Counselors cooking

My oldest granddaughters always arrive a day early to Camp Grandma and help me get everything ready. Here they are making yogurt Popsicles. The Campfire Cones they created were a hit for our evening campfire time.

Camp Grandma snacks

Frozen banana sandwiches: peanut butter goes between the bananas, which are then dipped in chocolate and frozen. So nice on a hot summer day.

Camp Grandma crafts and games

Bubble wands

We did several crafts, but the bubble wands were the most popular. An easy craft to do and each is original.

Bubbles at Camp Grandma.

Korbin tries out the bubble wand he created.

Scripture scavenger hunt at Camp Grandma

We divided the memory verse for the weekend into individual words on separate pieces of paper and hid them around the yard. The kids then searched them out and put them together to figure out the verse.

Balloon tennis at Camp Grandma with Susan Gaddis

Balloon tennis was easy. We bought inexpensive fly swatters and blew up a bunch of balloons.

Camp Grandma easy breakfasts


I find fun ideas on Pinterest during the year and pin them to my Camp Grandma board. For example, our camp meals were ideas I found months ago, posted on my board, and then wrote up a grocery list accordingly. The first morning we served up bacon pancakes that could be dipped in each child's cup of syrup. The next morning, bacon and egg muffins were super easy to make.

Camp Grandma graffiti

Nothing like a deck renovation scheduled for right after Camp Grandma to get us in the mood for a little graffiti. The whole thing comes down this week and a new deck goes up!

Spay games at Camp Grandma with Susan Gaddis

"Tom Cruise step aside, Tom Gaddis is coming through!" So said my granddaughter about her grandpa and the spy games at Camp Grandma.

Yes, we still had our swim time, skits, and stories around the campfire, but I figured this was enough for now.

For more details and ideas, check out my past posts all bundled up on How to Plan a Cousins Camp or Camp Grandma.

What do you do with your kids or grandkids that could be incorporated into a Camp Grandma or Cousins Camp? I'd love to hear about it.



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